Not everyone feels this way about credit cards. In fact, I would say that a large number of college-aged students that I have spoken to are either abusing their credit cards (with shopping addictions and haphazard charging) or are too terrified to even consider opening an account.
I think a big part of this fear is due to the fact that, in movies, television, books, and magazines, we often see credit cards portrayed in such a negative light: it's always the shopping addicts, hopelessly drowning in debt that they will never be able to pay back in the foreseeable future.
To be sure, there is a reason that we have this villainous image of credit in our heads -- there ARE people out there who abuse their credit cards and find themselves in terrible situations like the ones we hear about in movies and tv shows; however, it doesn't have to be like this. There is another way!
Through writing this blog, my hope is to help provide my readers with the necessary information and tools to make good decisions regarding their credit cards. As college students, it is easy to forget to think about the future; however, one day, you will all need to rely on your credit profile for things like applying for car loans, mortgages, or apartment rentals. Your credit score plays such a huge role in whether or not you will be approved for these necessary loans and applications, and will also dictate what types of interest rates you will be paying. Opening credit card accounts and using them in a smart and responsible way, is one of the easiest ways to build up your credit score and prove to lenders that you are credit worthy!
Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to focus my blog posts around this topic of credit cards. Topics will include:
- Importance of building a credit profile
- What is a credit score?
- Why should you care about your credit report and score?
- How is your credit score calculated?
- Positive influences
- Negative influences
- Applying for your first credit card
- Best and worst types of credit cards
- Rewards programs
- Interest rates
- Annual fees
As always, please leave a comment, or use the contact form in the right sidebar, to leave me some feedback! Let me know your thoughts about this post, and definitely let me know of any topics you would like me to cover!
Happy charging!
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